In memory of MLK, it's okay to eat white meat

White Liberals in Denver who hate themselves, their culture, and their country recently went bananas when they found out that the Denver Public School system intended to serve students fried chicken and collard greens in "honor" of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday. One snivling bitch, a Mrs. Jennifer Holladay, said that she was "instantly upset" when she found out that her little pea-brain brat would be served a meal that was an offensive caricature of black culture. And wouldn't you know it, in a classic example of political correctness, DPS spokesman Michael Vaughn apologized, saying the meal was "highly insensitive in light of certain hurtful cultural stereotypes still harbored in parts of our society."
What a lame.
People, here's a little 411 for you: Every year the Federal Bureau of Prisons celebrates Dr. King's birthday by serving us inmates fried chicken, collard greens, and cornbread, and I have yet to meet a single African-American who was upset or offended by the meal. In fact, not only are blacks happy to eat chicken on MLK day, but the chow hall becomes a little chaotic because so many guys are trying to sneak back in line so they can "double-up on da bird." So if blacks are happy to eat chicken on a Black American holiday, why then are so many dumbass white people freaking out about it?
Martin Luther King was a Civil Right's leader who I'm sure would be less concerned about chicken being his honorary dish, and more concerned about the oppression of Political Correctness. When a school system can't do a good deed because some might be OFFENDED, or when certain Americans can't speak the truth for fear of being targeted and incorrectly labeled by individuals and organizations who solely exist to badger and bring people down (hello Southern Poverty Law Center), that's a serious civil rights violation - and it's most certainly not a part of Dr. King's "Dream."
To Mrs. Jennifer Holladay, DPS spokesman Michael Vaughn, and all of you other freaks in Denver who put stop to the Chicken Day celebration, I say, do a little research and you will learn the truth: Dr King definitely liked white meat.
So whether it's poultry or prostitutes, in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., go on out and get yourself some white meat today.

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