The Uncivil Rights Movement

There is an epidemic sweeping across the nation and I don't believe that it's going to stop anytime soon - urban youth high on Hip-Hop, Hemp, and Hennessey killing each other in the street. In 2008 alone, 1,494 children under the age of 18 were slaughtered.
On Sept. 24, 2009, 16 year-old Derrion Albert was beat to death on the streets of Chicago. The slaying was captured on video and seen around the world. At a news conference following the tragic incident, Attorney General Eric Holder had this to say. "We simply cannot stand for an epidemic of violence that robs our youth of their childhood and perpetuates a cycle in which today’s victims become tomorrow’s criminals". U.S. Attorney Joe Russoniello blames the child killings on "The toxic cocktail of drugs, guns, and gangs". But Sarasota, Florida police captain Bill Spitler doesn't believe the problem is just about gangs and drugs. "We have people killing people for no reason", he said of the youth violence.
Actually, there is a very good reason why all of these kids are killing each other - and it’s not just about guns, drugs, and gangs. They are unknowing victims of a powerful movement, a movement that not only affects children but every single American. I call this movement, the Uncivil Rights Movement.
The Uncivil Rights Movement turn children into killers, keeps gang membership thriving, glamorizes drug dealing, helps spread HIV/AIDS, encourages young men to beat and/or impregnate women, leaves children fatherless, destroys entire community's, makes robbery seem like a respectable occupation, has lowered the standards of professional sports as well as made sporting events much more dangerous, and basically, is responsible for turning America into the cesspool which it has become. The leaders of this Uncivil Right's Movement? Just about every Rap and Hip-Hop artist that's made it to the top.
What started out in 1979 as good, clean, music, filled with catchy rhymes and make-you-feel-good-beats has morphed into the perfect medium for Uncivil Rights leaders to turn the youth of our nation into manner-less criminals lacking morals and values. Through their hypnotic lyrics, kids and young adults have been brainwashed into believing that it's their God-given Uncivil right to steal, kill, assault, rob, deal drugs, and rape. Women have been reduced to nothing more than "Bitches", "Ho's", "Snow bunnies", "Nappy Dug-outs" and "Baby Mama's", and boys believe that these bitches need to beat, knocked up, passed around for all of their "hommy's" to fuck, then discarded like a piece of trash. Girls now believe that it's okay to gap their legs for the boys who have the most "bling", "dope" rides (cars), the "bomb" drugs, and pockets that are "stacked". Manners are now a thing of the past, with words like "please", "may I" and "thank you" replaced with "lemme get that", gimme my shit" and "good lookin". And because of Rap and Hip-Hop, kids now believe that "fast money" is the only way to make any "real money" and if you aren't getting it illegally, then you ain’t nothing but a "suck'a". In other words, why would any kid who listens to Rap and Hip-Hop want to go to school or bust their ass trying to succeed legitimately when - through the power of music - their heroes are telling them that crime is the way to go.
And people are actually wondering why so many children are dying in the streets.
Uncivil Rights leader Jay-Z has boasted about having President Obama’s telephone number on "speed dial". In fact, I consider Jay-Z the President's unofficial Hip-Hop czar. That is why I'm calling on our Nobel Peace Prize-winning President and his trusty czar to hold a news conference and publicly denounce the uncivil rights movement. They should call upon all rappers and hip-hop stars to clean up their lyrics (they can take a few tips from Will Smith) and Jay-Z should not only apologize for all of the crimes that he committed and tell kids how wrong that he was, but he should also apologize to all of the family's who's children have been murdered due to the influence of his music. In addition, Jay-z should form a coalition of rappers and hip-hop artists and go from city to city talking to communities about the evils of crime. They should also promote self respect, the importance of respecting others, birth control, family values, and education. The immediate change that would take place in our country if he and other Uncivil Rights leaders were to actually do this would be unprecedented. Communities would in fact become safer.
Children would in fact stop killing each other.
To those of you that live in poverty-stricken communities where urban violence has left you imprisoned in your own home, I want to say this. When I said that urban children are "high on Hip-Hop", I wasn't joking. They take the words to these songs quite literally. What's even more insane to me is the fact that most rappers are nothing more than studio gangsters. And the minute that they get into trouble with the law, rather than remain silent like they preach to the kids, they snitch their asses off and never serve any real time, if they serve any at all. (T.I. is a perfect example of this). Yet when your kids kill each other or witness a murder they remain silent and/or go to prison for a very long time. Does this make any sense to you? It 1S a classic case of "Do as I say, but not as I do". Also, I do believe that poverty plays a role in all of this violence, so I would like to say this as well.
It is not the government’s nor the tax-payer’s responsibility to fix or solve the problems of the poor. So the next time any of you ask what your local, state, or federal government can do for you and your community, you should instead be asking yourself why all of these mega rich musicians aren't doing squat for you. Through their music they exploit the poor, turn children into criminals, lash out at the government and the rich, yet they don't help you at all. Help comes in the form of jobs, not government or celebrity hand-outs. So why can't all of these rich rappers and hip-hop stars pull some of their millions together (which would turn into billions) and start up businesses in urban areas, in effect employing the poor? The truth is that they can, but instead they take their money and invest it into the same places or into the same types of businesses that all of those rich people that they bitch about do. They can come up with new ideas and help employ the poor if they truly wanted too. I want you to think about that.
The Uncivil Rights movement is very real and it's doubtful that the President or Jay-z will do anything to stop it, although they both could. For Obama it's a double-edge sword, since he does owe his presidency to the integration that Hip-Hop has brought to this country. And there's no way in hell that Jay-z is about to switch gears now - he's made way too much money off of spreading Uncivil Rights.
So I guess children will just keep dying

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant piece !These rappers that you mention are just pawns in the game...think about it they can easily be replaced but the heads of the companies are the real problem as they are behind the scenes controlling these puppets
