Racist Rick Sanchez Strikes Again

CNN’S Cuban born reporter Racist Rick Sanchez has done it again. On 6-10-09 some demented 88 year old white supremacist named James von Brunn walked into a Holocaust Memorial Museum and fatally shot an African-American security guard name Stephen James. At 3P.M. eastern time, on CNN, there was Racist Rick eager to take this terrible tragedy and twist it into a much deeper and darker story about Hate Groups, specifically, White Hate groups.
Boy it sure does seem like Racist Rick tries to demonize white people any chance that he gets.
A few months ago Racist Rick did the same exact thing. A group of maggots from Long Island assaulted and killed a Hispanic man because of his skin color. If you listened to Racist Rick spin the tale you were not only lead to believe that all o the assailants were white, but that they belonged to some White Hate Group. To instill fear and hatred in his minority viewers, Racist Rick called in two experts that warned since the election of our first African-American President there’s been a spike in hate groups. A man worked for the Southern Poverty Law Center stated that there are currently 926 hate groups on the FBI’s watch-list. The conversation then turned to specific white hate groups like the 
Ku Klux Klan, the Skinheads, and other Neo-Nazi organizations. It was somewhat alarming.
But there’s something that these fine gentlemen failed to mention – not all of the hate groups on the FBI’s watch list are white. And the murder on Long Island that sparked the conversation about white hate groups in the first place. One of the assailants was actually a blackman. Yet Racist Rick conveniently forgot to mention that.
I guess that would have ruined the theme of his anti-white show.
If you watch CNN everyday at 3 P.M. then you know Racist Rick encourages his viewers to join his show via social media (My space, Face book and Twitter). A copy of this has been sent to him. Here is a list of questions that I have for good ole Rick……………
Hey Rick, can you please do a show about Hate Groups that hate white people? And when you do, please show as much disgust in your face as you do when you talk about white hate groups.
Hey Rick, can you please show some statistics on white or minority violence vs.  minority on white violence? These crimes should include murder, assault and rape.
Hey Rick, can you tell us how many black and Hispanic kids have killed each other already this year? And please giver us your take on why they’re doing it.
Hey Rick, Can you tell us the exact number of murders committed by White Supremacist in the past 10 years and place it on the screen right next to the number of murders in 2008.
Hey Rick, two soldiers at a recruiting center in Little Rock were shot (one was killed) by an African-American homegrown terrorist who spent time in a Yemen prison named Abdulhakim Muhammad. You spent 17 minutes on this story but never showed us photographs of the victims nor did CNN interview their families, such as they did with Stephen James’ family. Can you explain why this story wasn’t very important to you?
Hey Rick, immediately following the Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting the White House gave their condolences to the victim’s family. You posted the statement on your show. Did the White House ever release a statement to the families of the soldiers shot in Little Rock? If they did, why didn’t you post it?
Hey Rick, why do you think Black and Hispanic street gangs aren’t considered hate groups or domestic terrorists? I mean, they only destroy entire communities and kill each other on a daily basis.
Hey Rick, according to Daniel Lockwood, author of “Prison Sexual Violence”, 80 % of all sexual assault victims in prison are white and 80% of the attackers are African-Americans. I think you should do a show on this subject and find out why this is.
Hey Rick, can you tell your audience what the status is of that Mexican gang in California who was recently indicted for making plans to kill as many African-Americans as possible?
Hey Rick, am I to believe that there are no minorities who hate whites? I asked because I’ve never seen a story on CNN that talked about hatred towards whites.
Hey Rick, are you going to continue to use isolated incidents that are committed by the very small number of whites who’s hearts are filled with hate to make minorities hate us even more or are you going to start covering the story like you do when a minority commits a crime against someone white – report it, treat it like an isolated incident, down play it, and quickly move along (If you report it at all)?
Hey Rick, according to the Gallop Poll the number of Americans that distrust the media stays around 25%. Do you think the number stays so low because of misleading, one-sided and sometimes inflammatory reporting like yours?
The truth is that Rick Sanchez is not a Racist. He just happens to be your typical puppet-reporter who’s pushing a mainstream networks agenda. This doesn’t make him a bad guy. Unfortunately, it just makes him part of this problem.
The media (and I’m talking mainstream, left-wing and right-wing) and reporters like Rick Sanchez could do us all a world of good if they would just report the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We need solutions that will help unite our country, not lies and half-truths that further divide our country.
So I say to you Rick Sanchez – Honor commitment to truth and maybe, just maybe, you can help us find the solutions that we need.

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