Wednesday 1 February 2012

A little about me

For those of you who just clicked on, allow me to introduce myself. I am the youngest of four children and my parents only son. I am the father of three daughters, one of which has a daughter and (soon to be) son of her own. I am the youngest of 27 grandchildren and the only Felon in the family; a catholic school boy ~id gone wild who just wanted to surf and party. I am an addict - pot, coke, meth, heroin, booze, pills, food, sex, gambling, you name it. However, I have been sober since October of 2007. I am living with recurring bladder cancer, have a heart condition called "MVP", and went through successful treatments for Rep C back in 2005. I listen to NPR, the BBC, a variety of conservative talk-show hosts, Democracy Now!, and probably watch too much CNN. My political beliefs are to the r~ght. I support the war in Afghanistan, think Iran should probably be next, and believe if President Obama were to be totally honest, he would admit that his vision for America is far left. But above all I am an American, and even though I'm incarcerated, I'm very proud to be an American. Because in America, we citizens have the freedom to make our own choices.

It just totally sucks that I took that freedom for granted and made some very poor choices.

In April of 1998, a federal jury in Fort smith, Arkansas found me guilty of Conspiracy to Distribute methamphetamine. Because it was my third serious drug offense, and more important, because I refused to cooperate with the government, I was sentenced to Life imprisonmnet Without The Possibility of Release. My appeals have since been exhausted, short of a miracle I am not getting out, and there's no sense in crying about it so I just deal with it. Besides, alot worse things have happened to better men than me.

I am a lifer who has been actively involved in prison politics, supports capital punishment, does not believe that drugs - with the exception of marijuana should be legalized, and was once labeled a "serious disciplinary problem" by the North eastern Regional Director of the federal Bureau of Prisons, Mr. Mickey Ray. Admittedly, I spent the first decade of my incarceration using and abusing alcohol and drugs and had alot of fun doing so. But that's not a life-style I wish to go back to.

On this website I will be writing candidly about my journey through federal prison, past prison experiences, the prison culture in general, other prisoners, my political views and beliefs, addiction, sex, drugs, sentencing laws, politics, religion, celebrities, racial issues, music, current events, and anything random that pops into my brain. I hope you enjoy.

Feel free to contact me at;- 


  1. you are fucked up stop blogging. noone cares robert. you are an asshole and you fucked up 3 childrens' lives where they couldn't have anything to do with their mothers life. you are fucked up. go away. just crawl under a rock till your sentence is over.

  2. Honestly?, I love to see the non criminal bitches,the fat slobs such as those at write a prisoner penpal/forum site get USED and ABUSED!.Such stupidity how can the women overseas be so ignorant??!.
